The !8ball command is a fun chatbot command that mimics the classic magic 8-ball toy. When a user types !8ball followed by a question, the chatbot will respond with a random answer, similar to shaking a magic 8-ball for a fortune. It's a great way to engage your audience and add a bit of unpredictability to your chat.
The !accept command is used to accept an invitation or request in the chat. This could be a duel request, a game invite, or any other type of request that requires user acceptance.
The !accountage command is used to check the age of a user's account in the chat. This can be useful for moderators to verify the authenticity of a user or to check if a user is eligible for certain privileges based on their account age.
The !addpoints command is used to add points to a user's account. This command is typically used by moderators or the streamer themselves to reward viewers with points. The syntax for this command is !addpoints [username] [amount], where [username] is the name of the viewer you want to give points to, and [amount] is the number of points you want to give.
The !bet command is used to place a bet in a running contest. This can be useful for users to participate in contests and potentially win rewards.
The !bingo command is used to start a game of emote bingo in the chat. When this command is used, a single emote is randomly selected from the available platform(s). The viewers then try to match this emote in the chat.
The !bot command is used to manage the bot's behavior in the chat. It has three subcommands:
Cancels an ongoing duel.
Cancels an ongoing raffle.
The !chatstats command is used to get a link to the creators chatstats page.
The !command command is used to manage chat commands. It has six subcommands
The !commands command is used to get a link to the creators commands page.
The !contest command is used to return information about the current active contest, if any.
The !deny command is used to deny a duel request.
The !disablesfx command is used to disable all sound effect items in the loyalty stream store.
The !duel command is used to initiate a duel with another user in the chat.
The !editcounter command is used to edit the counter of a specific event or item in the chat.
The !emotes command is used to display the list of available emotes in the chat.
The !enablesfx command is used to enable all sound effect items in the loyalty stream store that were previously disabled.
The !filesay command is used to have the bot send multiple lines of text to the chat in a short period via a URL. This is especially useful for cases where streamers and/or moderators want to ban a large number of users from the chat using a pastebin file.
The !followage command is used to check how long a user has been following the channel.
The !giveaway command is used to get an active giveaway in the channel.
The !givepoints command transfers points from the sender to the specified user.
The !hypecup command allows for clearing the hypecup overlay.
The !items command is used to retrieve a list of items that are redeemable from the chat via the loyalty stream store. This command allows viewers to see what items they can redeem using their loyalty points.
The !join command is used to enter a raffle. This command is typically used by viewers to enter a raffle that was started by a moderator or the streamer themselves. The syntax for this command is !join.
The !kappagen command is used to trigger an emote explosion on the Kappagen widget. This command will create a visual spectacle of emotes bursting on the screen.
The !leaderboard command is used to get a link for the loyalty leaderboard. This command allows the user to view the leaderboard for loyalty points in the chat.
The !module command is used to enable or disable chatbot modules from the chat. This command allows the user to control the functionality of different modules in the chatbot.
The !next command is used to view the next song in the media request queue. This command will display the title and artist of the upcoming song.
The !nuke command is used to perform a timeout, ban, or deletion on messages in the chat. This command will search the chat messages for a specified string and perform the specified action on the messages if the string is found. This command will error if the string is not found in the chat.
The !nukeusername command is used to perform a timeout, ban, or deletion on a user's activity in the chat. This command will search the user's activity for a specified string and perform the specified action on the user if the string is found. This command will error if the user is not found in the chat.
The !openstore command is used to enable all regular items in the loyalty stream store that were previously disabled.
The !pause command is used to pause the media request playback. This command is particularly useful when the media playback is ongoing and needs to be paused.
The !permit command is used to prevent a viewer from getting timed out. By default, the duration is 60 seconds.
The !play command is used to resume the media request playback. This command is particularly useful when the media playback has been paused and needs to be resumed.
The !points command is used to display the number of points a user has and their rank on the leaderboard.
The !queue command is used to manage the viewer queue during live streams. It has several subcommands:
The !quote command is used to add, remove, and display quotes in the chat.
The !raffle command is used to start a raffle with multiple winners. This command is typically used by moderators or the streamer themselves to engage viewers in an interactive chat game. The syntax for this command is !raffle.
The !redeem command is used in conjunction with the loyalty stream store. This command allows viewers to redeem items or rewards from the store using their accumulated points. The syntax for this command is !redeem [item], where [item] is the name of the item or reward you want to redeem.
The !removesong command is used to remove songs from the queue. This command can be used to remove all songs added by a specific user or a single song by its URL. This command is typically used by moderators or the streamer themselves to manage the song queue during a stream. The syntax for this command is !removesong [username|URL], where [username] is the name of the viewer whose songs you want to remove, and [URL] is the URL of the specific song you want to remove.
The !roulette command is used to start a roulette game in the chat.
The !setgame command is used to change the current game being played on the stream.
This command will overwrite the current points of the user.
The !settitle command is used to change the title of the current stream.
The !skip command is used to skip the current song in the mediarequest queue. It will error if no song is currently playing.
The !slots command is used to play a simple slot machine game. The user bets a certain amount of points and if they win, they get a multiple of their bet back.
The !song command is used to return information about the current song that is playing in mediarequest. It will error if no song is currently playing.
The !songqueue command is used to receive a link for the mediarequest queue.
The !songrequest command is used to request songs for mediarequest.
The !sraffle command is used to initiate a single raffle event in the chat.
The !srclear command is used to clear the songrequest queue.
The !ticket command is used to buy tickets for a giveaway.
The !timer command is used to manage timers in the chat. It can enable or disable specific timers.
The !tip command is used to provide a link for users to tip the streamer.
The !top command is used in conjunction with the loyalty system. It allows users to see the top users on the leaderboard for points, alltime, online (watchtime), and offline (watchtime).
The !uptime command is used to check how long the streamer has been online for.
The !vanish command is used for chatters to time themselves out for 1 second. This action clears their chat history in the process.
The !volume command is used in conjunction with the mediarequest feature. It can be used to get the current volume without an argument. With an argument, it will set the volume. The argument should be a number between 0 and 100.
The !voteskip command is used in conjunction with the mediarequest feature. If enabled by the broadcaster, it allows users to vote to skip the current media request.
Users can accumulate watch time only when the loyalty feature is enabled.
The !when command is used to see when your requested song is playing.
The !wrongsong command is used to remove the last song you've added to the queue.
Lists active 7TV emotes in the channel.
This variable is currently in beta. It may be subject to change.
Outputs an argument from the command.
Lists the active BetterTTV emotes in the channel.
Displays the name of the channel
Displays the command name counter and increments by one.
Makes a request to a specified URL and the response is returned.
Lists the active FrankerFaceZ emotes in the channel.
Displays the current game
Returns the current value of a counter without incrementing it.
Outputs the summoner rank and LP of a specified League of Legends player.
Outputs the result of a math.js expression.
Outputs the message ID of the message that triggered the command.
Escapes a string for use in a URL path
Displays the loyalty currency name.
Outputs the query string escaped for use in a URL.
Displays a randomly saved quote.
Allows you to generate random output from a list of options.
Repeats a phrase x times
Displays the message sender’s display name
Changes the stream game.
Changes the stream title.
Displays the current stock price of a given stock symbol.
Displays the channel’s title
Displays either the first word after the command $[1], or the sender’s name. This is an alias for $(1|sender)
Outputs all available Twitch subscriber emotes
Displays the uptime of the current stream
Displays the user’s display name
Displays the current weather conditions for a given location.
Banned words
The Banned Words filter is a tool that helps maintain the chat environment by removing messages that contain banned phrases and patterns. This filter is highly customizable and supports the creation of multiple groups, each with its own set of banned phrases.
The emote bingo module is an interactive chat game. In this game, a bingo card is generated with a variety of emotes.
The Caps filter helps manage the use of capital letters in chat messages. It checks the number and percentage of capital letters in a message and compares them with the set limits. If a message violates these limits, the filter takes action according to the configured settings.
Chat Alerts
The chatalerts module is a feature that allows the chatbot to post messages in the chat when certain events occur. These events can include, but are not limited to, receiving a tip, gaining a new follower, or being raided.
Creating a command
The duel module is an interactive chat game. In this game, users can challenge each other to a duel.
The 8ball module is an interactive chat feature. In this module, users can ask the 8ball a question, and it will respond with a random answer. The answers can be customized in the module settings.
Emote Combo
The emote combo module is an interactive chat feature. In this module, users try to send the same emote consecutively in the chat.
Emote Pyramid
The emote pyramid module is a fun chat game. In this game, users attempt to create a pyramid of emotes in the chat.
The Emote filter helps manage the use of emotes in chat messages. It checks the number of emotes in a message and compares them with the set limit. If a message violates this limit, the filter takes action according to the configured settings.
The Link filter helps manage the posting of links in chat messages. It checks if a message contains any links and compares them with the set allowlist and blocklist. If a message contains a link that is not in the allowlist or is in the blocklist, the filter takes action according to the configured settings.
Live Announcement
The live announcement module is a feature that allows the chatbot to post a message in the chat when the stream goes live.
The Paragraph filter helps manage the length of chat messages. It checks the number of characters in a message and compares them with the set limit. If a message violates this limit, the filter takes action according to the configured settings.
Raffles with multiple winners scale differently based on the number of users that enter.
The roulette module is an interactive chat game. In this game, users can wager their points in a roulette-style gamble.
The slotmachine module is an interactive chat game. In this game, users can wager their points on a virtual slot machine that is based on emotes.
The Symbol filter helps manage the use of symbols in chat messages. It checks the number and percentage of symbols in a message and compares them with the set limits. If a message violates these limits, the filter takes action according to the configured settings.
Chatbot timers are automated messages or actions that occur at specified intervals during a live stream. They serve to remind viewers about certain aspects of the stream, such as rules or upcoming events, and can also be used to automatically execute commands at regular intervals.
Viewer queue
The viewer queue module allows the creation of a queue where viewers can join and be selected. This module is useful for managing viewer interactions during live streams.